Monday, October 16, 2017

Coheed And Cambria - Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume Two: No World for Tomorrow

October 16, 2017
Coheed And Cambria - Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume Two: No World For Tomorrow 

No World For Tomorrow... The fourth album by my prized gems Coheed this album is no shorter than a killer album. Talk about the calm before the storm....(more on that in another blog.) This album was one of the first Coheed albums I bought. Like I say in all the previous Coheed blogs that I first heard old songs, but this album was the one out when I had my own money to buy stuff. I already knew of the songs Feathers and The Running Free. I had seen their videos on Fuse when I was a teenager. Two back to back rockers in this album. Seeing them as videos really helps print an image of what Coheed was and would become to an impressionable teenager jammin out in his bedroom. Gravemakers & Gunslingers has remained one of my all time favorite Coheed songs even after I've been a seasoned Coheed fan for a while. It's such a good punch and runny song that has one shredding guitar solo. The whole song feels like it's riddled with angst and frustration. The End Complete this song was one of the first songs I "listened" to when I bought the album. I'm sure you guys are saying "but Ty you said Feathers and The Running Free was?) They certainly the first ones I heard, but were not the first ones I listened to. Meaning this was the first song I chose to listen to after I bought the album. I was not disappointed.... It is such a story like song. Not to mention one of the longest and progressive songs. The last song on the album is On The Brink this song and I have such a long story together. It started out as one of those songs I always just skipped, because it started so slow. The more I listen to it and the further I get into the song the more I realize what a beautiful song I was passing up. It has a fantastic build up that then get slammed by Claudio's immense vocal performance. It has become one of my favorite songs on the album. Every Coheed blog I do I am super nervous. I have to do these completely perfect so stick with me I will get them all done I promise. I give this album πŸ’£πŸ’£πŸ’£πŸ’£πŸ’£ out of five! Extravagant!

Favorite Tracks!

  1. Gravemakers & Gunslingers
  2. The Running Free
  3. On The Brink

I do not own any of the pictures or songs associated with this review. All rights belong to Coheed And Cambria and Columbia Records. 

The Youtube video too! Tried to up the quality of my delivery!

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Chonny and Clyde - Celisti

Claudio and Chondra Sanchez - Celisti 
October 6, 2017

These very verr verrry beautiful souls. I love these two. They were making songs to release for an album with the both of them. Instead they released it for charity on Bandcamp. the album was released to support Puerto Rico in the recent disaster. All the proceeds are going to help those in need. I can't say enough about these people. They decided to put their heart into helping PR they are truly an inspiration! It really helps that the songs are nice too! This is only a three song album so there isn't much to say about the actual music so instead I'll talk about it as a whole. I like the feel of this album its so folky and acoustic that I can't help but love it. I don't know how many or if any of the songs on here are actually about the hurricane, but none the less it is a great cause and you still get something in return! Some good stuff in return. I give this album. πŸš‘πŸš‘πŸš‘πŸš‘πŸš‘ Love all. Extravagant!

Favorite Tracks!
  1. I, The Hurricane
  2. A - OK
  3. Supernova 
heheheh see what I did there? there is only three songs on here anyway!

I do not own any of the pictures or songs associated with this review. All rights belong to Claudio and Chondra Sanchez.

Bless Puerto Rico.

Check out the video association

Thursday, October 5, 2017

The Tallest Man On Earth - The Wild Hunt

The Tallest Man On Earth - The Wild Hunt
October 5, 2017

This album has been thrown around in a few conversations I've had this week so might as well review it! A few things about this album at the start. This album contains the first song from him that I heard and so happens to be (in my opinion) his best. This album has everything you would hope and expect from TMOE. It has the classic banjo guitar mixed with the fantastic songwriting and great voice. This album in particular seems to flow all through the album like it is one big song. All the songs seem to compliment each other. "The Wild Hunt" the first song starts with that fast banjo type guitar then builds to include tricky back and forth melodies. Then we get into the best song anyone has ever written. "Burden Of Tomorrow" this song has so many good lines that I can't even write them all in the blog you'll just have to go listen to it. It is so beautifully written. "The Drying Of The Lawns" is another fantastic song off this album. Not only does it have the great songwriting, but it also has very fast and picked guitar. Banjo hands on a guitar. The instrumentation is what makes this song. Then the last song I'll talk about is "Love Is All"  the first song I heard from him. I believe I found it on a Pandora radio station and I fell in love with the song. It had a love song mentality, but it certainly doesn't sound like a love song to me. It's so powerful. As is all of his songs though. Everyone needs to give this guy a listen to! I give this album πŸ”¬πŸ”¬πŸ”¬πŸ”¬πŸ”¬ out of five! Extravagant! 

Favorite Tracks!

  1. Burden Of Tomorrow
  2. The Drying Of The Lawns
  3. You're Going Back

I do not own any of the pictures or songs associated with this review. All rights belong to The Tallest Man On Earth and Dead Oceans Records

Don't forget to check out the video on this review!

Friday, September 29, 2017

Stoney - Post Malone

Post Malone - Stoney
September 28, 2017

This post is going to be kinda different than the rest. This is the first TME that is paired with a Youtube video... This album though. This album has changed my life... I'm sure that sounds stupid, but it really has. I have fallen in love with this album and Posty's music. He is such a multi-talented and unique person. From his quick rise to fame(which he deserves in my opinion.) Posty came into the music world fast and with a bang. This is the first official album released by Post and man I couldn't be more impressed. Don't get me wrong the substance of this album isn't dense... at least not to me. Not all the time at least. Stuff that rappers rap about is something I'll never personally experience. I don't have a lavish lifestyle so I can't relate. What this album does have is catchy beats, catchy hooks, and a catchy messenger. About 70% of Post's appeal is who he is. He is unique, he is strange, he is cool, and most importantly he is himself. That to me is what is the greatest thing about him. Every song on this album as a hot back track to it and mixed with Post's vocal blend it seems to form some powerful and catchy tunes. Every song on this album as brought a different flavor to my music life recently. I don't really know what else to say. Normally its music I can relate to, but since this is music I can't really relate to the only thing I can really talk about is how well done and how catchy all the songs are. I recommend everyone go out and listen to this album. I promise you'll find something you like. I give this album 🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎 out of five! Extravagant!

Also be sure to check out this blog's Youtube video!

Favorite Tracks!

  1. No Option 
  2. Broken Whiskey Glass
  3. Feeling Whitney 

I do not own any of the pictures or songs associated with this review. All rights belong to Post Malone and Republic Records

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Shallou - All Becomes Okay

Shallou - All Becomes Okay
July 18, 2017

Sure I have done many of many of many blogs, but none like this. Just wait this one will send you for a loop (also this is something I like to do so I might continue to throw some of these in here.) This genre of music is different. House/indie/ambient music. Say what???? Tyler will write about more than folk/americana and alt rock/prog rock? Yes! I love all music so I will always try to branch out! Also side note did you guys know that Spotify links with Genius and will give you lyrics and facts about a band while the song plays? It's awesome. Anyway.... This is my first time experiencing Shallou and I am pretty impressed. Let me back up a little bit though. This isn't EDM or Dubstep or that nasty rave grunge shit. Just simple nice ambient music with some beats. Sure the songwriting in this type of music and this EP isn't the most complex lyrically, but there is just something about the way it sounds. Funny how a song/album with none to very little words can make you feel something. It still hits you in the soul. It still gets you to appreciate the craftsmanship and effort. I don't think I can really review individual songs like I normally do, but I can kinda review the EP in a whole. It all kinda has the same tone. Something like it belongs in an anime show or something. Sounds so cerebral and outer-spacey. One of my first introductions to music like this was the album "Metropolis Remixed" By The M Machine and it had some of the same qualities. Out of this world sounds. I don't mean out of this world as in downright amazing I mean out of this world as in it sounds like it belongs to aliens. If you aren't a music snob (which most of the time I am too) and think that something that doesn't contain consistent vocals and instruments isn't music then I know you can appreciate it. Maybe even us music snobs can too if we agree to just listen. What a strange concept. To just listen. Isn't that what pretty much any self respecting artist is wanting to achieve? No self respecting artist makes something without having heart and meaning behind it. So listen and maybe you'll catch on to what they were feeling. That goes for all music and art for that matter. Just pay attention. If you can't find what they were feeling then maybe it can help you find what you're feeling or help you escape what you're feeling. Amazing how music without words can evoke such feelings in your gut. Try it out and I promise you will find something to take from it. I give this album 🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊 out of five! Extravagant!

Favorite Tracks!
  1. . . . Love
  2. Begin
  3. Truth

I do not own any of the pictures or songs associated with this review. All rights belong to Shallou (Joe Boston.)

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Brent Cobb - Shine On Rainy Day

Brent Cobb - Shine On Rainy Day
July 15, 2017

Introducing one of my favorite and best up and comer (in my opinion) Brent Cobb! Brent is no stranger when it comes to writing music. He has written songs for acts like Luke Bryan and others. Although I will never associate him with those bogus acts. The music he has made on his own way out do all the music he has written for other people. Brent has a great sound. One that country fans and folk/americana fans can all appreciate. He has that nice homey sound mixed with very clever songwriting. Not to mention he is sneakily great at guitar. Brent has recorded two albums (although his first is hard to find) "No Place To Leave" and "Shine On Rainy Day" I have not heard any of his "first" album, but if it is anything like this album I know it's great. This album is another one of those rare albums that every song on it is amazing. "Solving Problems" and "South Of Atlanta" start the album off. Two great songs that really give you that "blue collar" feel. The songwriting on those two songs especially are the highlight of the songs. "Diggin' Holes" is probably his most catchy song lyric wise anyway. all of it mixes very well, but the lyrics really drive it home. The way he describes what he is singing about in a way that flows right through your ears is amazing. "Country Bound" and "Travelling Poor Boy" are two of my favorites on the album. Cobb said on a NPR session (Brent Cobb NPR) that "Country Bound" was one of the first songs he had seen being written, but didn't write it himself. Members of his family did and he decided to add it into this album. The last three songs on the album. "Let The Rain Come Down" "Down In The Gulley" and "Black Crow" are easily my favorite three songs on the album. "Let The Rain Come Down" this song..... just listen to it for yourself. I'm not going to tell you anything about it. You just need to experience it yourself. "Down In The Gulley" was also on that NPR session and was the song that really got me to appreciate Brent. The sound of the whole song and the story behind it makes it such an extravagant song to listen to. Brent also describes the story of that song on the NPR session that I linked earlier in the blog. "Black Crow" is the last song on the album. The most instrumentally complex in my opinion and so infectious. The riffs in the whole song mixed with Brent's voice knock it out of the park. I recommend anyone that likes country or even folk/americana (which is what I would classify him as) listen to this album. You won't regret it! I give this album 🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸 out of five! Extravagant!

Favorite Tracks!
  1. Let The Rain Come Down
  2. Black Crow
  3. Down In The Gulley

I do not own any of the pictures or songs associated with this review. All rights belong to Brent Cobb, Elektra Records, and Low Country Sound Records.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Trampled By Turtles - Songs From A Ghost Town

Trampled By Turtles - Songs From A Ghost Town
July 9, 2017

Another zinger from the legends in Trampled By Turtles! The first album by TBT and possibly their best. It is just a nice combination of bluegrass and folk that also is easy on the ears. This album is really a cruising album. An album you can just roll the windows in the car and just cruise around listening to. This album is also one of the select few albums that from start to finish is amazing. Every song is fantastic. Not many albums hit that status. The music is perfectly put together while Dave Simonett's voice easily floats over the top of the instruments. His lyrical writing is top notch (as usual.) The back and forth song to song flow is a great touch here. there is a nice mix of sad and happy songs. You start with "Ain't No Use In Tryin'' with a title like that there really isn't anyway for that to be positive right? It also is one of the best tracks on the record. "Wrong Way Street" may sound like a sad title, but it starts out and the instruments really put off a happy sound. The lyrics on the other hand aren't exactly positive, but its not really sad either. "Whiskey" certainly is a sad song. or a love song? perhaps? A love song to whiskey. With lyrics like "Whiskey won't you come and take my trouble, because I can't seem to do it on my own." It seems like a very deep soul searching song. Something written from personal experiences. Which most songs are, but this one especially. "Drinkin In The Morning" is the most truthful song on this album. Singing about a woman that drives him to drink in the morning. I think we can all relate to that in some fashion. "When I Come Back Again" is probably the most interesting song. I can't be sure, but it sounds like Dave is writing it as a soldier in war. Every song can mean something different to another person. I don't have enough time to say all the positive things I need to say about this album (and this band) its solid through and through. Start to finish this album will get anyone to tap their foot at least once. Guaranteed. Give this album a whirl and let me know what you guys think! I give this album 🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒 out of five! Extravagant!

Favorite Tracks!
  1. Drinkin In The Morning
  2. Ain't No Use In Tryin'
  3. My Brother Works For The CIA

I do not own any of the pictures or songs associated with this review. All rights belong to Trampled By Turtles and Banjodad Records.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Ryan Bingham - Mescalito

Ryan Bingham - Mescalito 
July 5, 2017

The debut album from Ryan Bingham Mescalito brings a nice change of pace for "country" music I use the term country lightly, because this isn't what I would consider country yet it is more country than what is considered country nowadays. It is an all around gritty, deep down south, and honest record. This was the first full album from Ryan Bingham I had heard and even to this day stands as my favorite album of his, and one of my favorite albums of all time. Every song on the full length hits you in a special spot that just makes you bob your head. One of Bingham's most popular songs is "Southside Of Heaven" which resides on this album, but to me there are many songs on this album that blow that one out of the water. In my opinion of course. Songs like "Bread & Water", "Dollar A Day", and "Take It Easy Mama" really give you that teeth grindin' gritty sound. Singing about struggles and hard times..... Well the whole album is pretty much about that. I guess the sound of these songs just convey that message better. Songs like "Long Way From Georgia", "Every Wonder Why", "For What It's Worth/Best Of Me" really give you that personal feel sound. A Sound that is more intimate and close to the chest. It really is ones that make you just sit down and listen instead of just purely jam/rock out to. Then have the songs like "Southside Of Heaven", "The Otherside", and "Sunshine" that are more of the middle ground. The in between songs. Songs that still make you want to jam out, but can also make you sit down and think about what is actually being sung. As you can see it's a pretty even mix. You have about the same amount of your rocking songs, middle songs, and softer songs. Bingham does a pretty good job of expanding his sound to hit every style of playing without losing his sound. If this is the way country music is going (even though this came out in 2007) then I am enthusiastic on what "new old" country has to offer. I recommend this album to everyone. Especially country music fans and folk/americana fans it hits both sides of the spectrum. It really rides that line of which genre it is without crossing it on either side. I give this album 🎡🎡🎡🎡🎡 out of five! Extravagant!

Disclaimer: Don't listen to the song Boracho Station. It is not that good it almost sounds like an old western mariachi band song. Or listen to it maybe you'll like it. Try it and let me know!

Favorite Tracks!
  1. Bread & Water
  2.  Every Wonder Why
  3. Dollar A Day

I do not own any of the pictures or songs associated with this review. All rights belong to Ryan Bingham, and UMG Nashville.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Six Month Recap Part Two

Six Month Recap Part Two
July 3, 2017

Conor Oberst - Salutations 

Jeff Tweedy - Together At Last

Mac DeMarco - This Old Dog

Chris Stapleton - From A Room Volume One

Mastodon - Emperor Of Sand

Ryan Adams - Prisoner

Dropkick Murphys - 11 Short Stories Of Pain & Glory

Born & Bred Records

Kevin Morby - City Music

Sun Kil Moon - Common As Light And Love Are Red Valleys Of Blood

Mew - Visuals 

Old Crow Medicine Show - 50 Years Of Blonde On Blonde

New Found Glory - Makes Me Sick

Albums to be released later this year!

Queens Of The Stone Age - Villains 

The National - Sleep Well Beast

Foo Fighters - Concrete And Gold

Chris Stapleton - From A Room Volume Two

Iron And Wine - Beast Epic

That will conclude my six month recap! I hope you guys check some of these album out and I will do my top twenty of the year when the year concludes! Extravagant!

Six Month Recap Part One

Six Month Recap Part One
July 3, 2017

We have hit six months since the start of twenty seventeen! Also it's been about eight or nine months since I started the blog! The blog wasn't around for the six month mark for twenty sixteen so I couldn't do this special post. Since we have went half the year we might as well look at some of the album released so far and what ones are set to be released. This is not a "ranking" or a "review" just simply a group of album I think may be worth checking out this year! So lets get to it eh?

King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Flying Microtonal Banana

King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Murder Of The Universe

Flogging Molly - Life Is Good

Rancid - Trouble Maker

John Moreland - Big Bad Luv

Fleet Foxes - Crack-Up

Drake - More Life

Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes - Modern Ruin

Minus The Bear - Voids

Willie Nelson - God's Problem Child

Frontier Ruckus - Enter The Kingdom 

John Mayer - The Search For Everything

That will conclude part one! I will have twelve more albums and some albums to be released in part two! Extravagant!

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Gregory Alan Isakov - This Empty Northern Hemisphere

June 25, 2017
Gregory Alan Isakov - This Empty Northern Hemisphere

Gregory is one of those guys I would put in the category of "everyday music." What I mean by that is it's something I can listen to everyday. I have a playlist of folk/singer songwriter music it has close to 1.5 thousand songs on it, and every single song Gregory has released is on there. He has four albums I believe and I think that every one of them is amazing. I normally have a negative connotation about "easy listening" music. Music that is soft and easy to get in to. Gregory is different though at least to me. His music is easy listening yes, but it is also complex and deep when it comes to actual musical ability and lyrics. This album is no different. It is the fist album I heard from Gregory and some of my favorite songs of his reside on this album. Gregory has one of those very rare soothing voices. Mix that with the very relaxing and simple sounding guitar and a folk sound he is a perfect mix for almost any situation. Sure he doesn't seem to have any fast and upbeat songs. Let's be honest though most of the music I really really really like aren't fast, happy, and upbeat. I prefer sad, slow, and soft songs. That's what makes Gregory's music perfect for me. "Dandelion Wine, and That Moon Song" are some of the first songs on the album and they are fantastic songs. "Dandelion Wine" is the perfect start to the album. It kinda sets the tone and shows you what Gregory is about. It seems to set the feeling of sadness yet happiness all at once. "That Moon Song" is a sweet song about love or life and loneliness either way you interpret it. "Master And A Hound, and Idaho" fill out the middle of this album. "Master And A Hound" is a song about the light of someone else although I think it is hard to pick up on. That song seems to be every which way. Every lyric in music can be taken which ever way the listener wants to take it. It will all relate to what the listener is feeling, and experiencing. "Idaho" seems to be a nostalgic tune that is about having love, losing love, being kids, having the time of your life, and being free. only to find that it's all gone and things have changed. "Words, and If I Go I'm Goin" are probably the two most true and most heavy hearted songs on the album. "Words" essentially sings about everything I have preached in my adulthood. Music, art, words, and pretty much everything means more at night. Music especially. It just seems to hit you differently at night. Everything seems to be deeper, and more emotional. "If I Go I'm Goin" follows suit with the rest of the songs on this album, but is probably the best one on the album. The way that everything meshes on this song makes it one of the most relaxing songs to listen to. Like it was all meant to be put together. I really enjoy this album and I think you guys will too! I also really enjoy Gregory's music and will be doing many more reviews about him soon! I give this album 🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌 out of five! Extravagant! Also be sure to follow the blog on Twitter! @Tysmusicextrava

Favorite Tracks!
  1. If I Go I'm Goin
  2. Words
  3. Master And A Hound

I do not own any of the pictures or songs associated with this review. All rights belong to Gregory Alan Isakov.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Daniel Romano - Come Cry With Me

June 18, 2017
Daniel Romano - Come Cry With Me

It took me a very long time to figure out what album I wanted to review today, but considering I have been in a Daniel Romano mood lately I figured I might as well do it on this album. I have been in love with a lot of Romano's old work. It really sounds old country styled. Stuff from before the modern/pop country pandemic. Not only does Romano have that old country sound he also has a fantastic ability to make simple yet complex songs. His songwriting is so unique it seems like he is a modern day Bob Dylan. Just like all the other albums I've heard from Romano he keeps up with the heartbreak theme. Heartbreak form many avenues. The first song "Middle Child" he sings about a mother leaving him (the middle child) and loving his older sister and younger brother, but not him. Just like in every other Romano album he has to have a clever "in your face" song I think. The song on this album that accomplishes that has to be "I'm Not Cryin Over You" he sings about crying and his past lover thinking it is about her, but he claims he has a part in a movie where he has to play a broken hearted man. "Chicken Bill" is a very unique song. It's more of a talk story than a song. It has a nice sound and a nice beat to it that makes you want to kinda just tap your toes. Although it is a different kinda silly song. "When I Was Abroad" is a nice song that I like very much.... Well after you get past the first twenty seconds or so. There is a weird monologue that just kinda gives me the heebie jeebies. "Just Before The Moment" is another song about pain. How he loves a woman so much yet she is loving someone else. Something I'm sure everyone has experienced at list a little bit of. I understand Romano is such a unique flavor that not everyone will be into it, but just give it a try. Try to listen to the marksmanship that is his musical prowess. I give this album 🐼🐼🐼🐼 out of five! Extravagant! 

Favorite Tracks!
  1. I'm Not Crying Over You
  2. Just Before The Moment
  3. Middle Child

I do not own any of the pictures or songs associated with this review. All rights belong to Daniel Romano, and Normaltown Records.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Coheed and Cambria - The Second Stage Turbine Blade

June 14, 2017
Coheed and Cambria - The Second Stage Turbine Blade 

The debut album by Coheed and Cambria! This was the album! The first song I heard by Coheed and Cambria was "Devil In Jersey City" the song that started it all for me! I fell in love with that song and the band. Although "Second Stage Turbine Blade" wasn't the first album I bought by Coheed it was the one that introduced me to the band. We all know where I am at now with my love for the band so obviously they did something right! This album is a sound that was new and fresh to me. It had so much to offer to such young and impressionable ears like mine. Everything that Coheed is and what they would form into was in that album. There was so much in this album to get excited about and hopefully after this review if you hadn't heard this album yet you will want to! Like many other Coheed albums the first song is an instrumental. I use the term "instrumental" lightly, because its more just sound. That song leads into the real first song of the album "Time Consumer" a nice song that kicks off with pounding kick drum (no pun intended) that build the song up and gets you primed to listen! "Devil In Jersey City" is the next song which I have said before was the first song by Coheed I had ever heard so obviously I'm a little partial. I remember coming home from school and turning on Fuse TV and seeing the music video for this song. "Everything Evil" is the next song and one of my most favorite songs of theirs to date! I really came to love the song even more when I saw it preformed on Guitar Center Sessions and seeing how awesome the song was preformed. A lot of Coheed is like that, they put on such great shows you tend to love the live versions more. That's rare. The thing that tends to gravitate me towards this album is Josh. Josh Eppard is the drummer for Coheed and his drumming style gets me pumped and hyped every time. It's loud and in your face. Heavy on the toms. "33" is classic Coheed to me. "Punch and run" type of guitar with the spastic drums. You won't be able to find a more steady song in their repertoire. "Junesong Provision, Neverender, and God Send Conspirator" finish out the album and are also some of favorite Coheed songs of all time. I made a list a year or two back ranking all the Coheed songs, but I can't remember the order off the top of my head. Even this being their first official album you wouldn't be able to tell. The workmanship on this album is perfect and the sound of everything is all I've ever wanted from Coheed. It will never replace IKSSE3, but it is a close second! I give this album 🐝🐝 out of five.....

JUST KIDDING! I give this album πŸ‡πŸ‡πŸ‡πŸ‡πŸ‡ out of five! Extravagant!

Favorite Tracks!
  1. Everything Evil
  2. Junesong Provision 
  3. Neverender 

I do not own any of the pictures or songs associated with this review. All rights belong to Coheed and Cambria, and Equal Vision Records.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

The Lowest Pair - Fern Girl & Ice Man

June 14, 2017
The Lowest Pair - Fern Girl & Ice Man 

Before I really start this blog I want to describe or explain a few things. I am very picky when it comes to music. Yes I love a lot of music; all kinds of genres and styles. I love it all. One thing I am particular with is female vocalists. It's not a sexist thing or a misogyny thing I just tend to like the sound of male vocals more. That being said there are a handful of female vocalist I absolutely love in music. Soooooo when there are many many many female vocalists in my favorite genre of music(folk/americana) then I am even more picky. So you might be asking yourself  "why does this matter and why am I talking about it?" Well because The Lowest Pair is a folk/bluegrass/americana duo from Washington that features Kendl Winter and Palmer T. Lee. One female and one male. This is the only album I have heard from them since I just now found them tonight, but I really like what I am hearing. Kendl  has a very nice voice. I mean very nice. She may very well be my favorite female vocalist now. I dunno it's such a close battle between her and Yukimi Nagano(Little Dragon) but that's neither here nor there. Kendl has a very unique voice some may say it sucks, but they don't see the beauty in it. It's a very smooth and high pitched yodel sounding voice. It is normally backed and complimented with Lee's voice which is a deep mid croak that accompanies Kendl's so well. The instruments in this group are also phenomenal both wielding banjos every song has a nice pick and pluck sound that you can't help but love. The lyrics are well written and executed flawlessly with their music matching and supporting their sound. "The River Will" was the first song I heard from them and it in my opinion is a great introduction song. It has a nice mix of everything. Lee sings a lot on this song and so does Kendl. The pace of the song is faster and more upbeat. "Stranger" is a few songs later that has a fantastic sound, but is a little more specific. It starts with a nice harmonica tune that fades out as the guitar and vocals fade in. "When They Dance The Mountains Shake" is probably my favorite off the album its a nice little head bobbing diddy. A nice banjo groove mixed with the pocket delivery of Kndl's vocals with a nice walking bass in the background working with pitter patter of the drums. "Trick Candlelight" is a slow song that to me is a showcase of Kendl's voice. It's mainly her so you can really get to know her voice. The last song on the album "How can I roll?) is a nice slow instrumental start that quickly makes way for Kendl's voice. The lyrics match the tune of the instruments and the feel of the song. Regardless I think everyone should check out these guys and give them a shot! I know I am going to be listening to more of them soon! I give this album πŸ„πŸ„πŸ„πŸ„πŸ„ out of five! Extravagant!

Favorite Tracks!
  1. When They Dance The Mountains Shake
  2. Stranger
  3. Trick Candlelight

I do not own any of the pictures or songs associated with this review. All rights belong to The Lowest Pair, and Team Love Records.