Sunday, June 25, 2017

Gregory Alan Isakov - This Empty Northern Hemisphere

June 25, 2017
Gregory Alan Isakov - This Empty Northern Hemisphere

Gregory is one of those guys I would put in the category of "everyday music." What I mean by that is it's something I can listen to everyday. I have a playlist of folk/singer songwriter music it has close to 1.5 thousand songs on it, and every single song Gregory has released is on there. He has four albums I believe and I think that every one of them is amazing. I normally have a negative connotation about "easy listening" music. Music that is soft and easy to get in to. Gregory is different though at least to me. His music is easy listening yes, but it is also complex and deep when it comes to actual musical ability and lyrics. This album is no different. It is the fist album I heard from Gregory and some of my favorite songs of his reside on this album. Gregory has one of those very rare soothing voices. Mix that with the very relaxing and simple sounding guitar and a folk sound he is a perfect mix for almost any situation. Sure he doesn't seem to have any fast and upbeat songs. Let's be honest though most of the music I really really really like aren't fast, happy, and upbeat. I prefer sad, slow, and soft songs. That's what makes Gregory's music perfect for me. "Dandelion Wine, and That Moon Song" are some of the first songs on the album and they are fantastic songs. "Dandelion Wine" is the perfect start to the album. It kinda sets the tone and shows you what Gregory is about. It seems to set the feeling of sadness yet happiness all at once. "That Moon Song" is a sweet song about love or life and loneliness either way you interpret it. "Master And A Hound, and Idaho" fill out the middle of this album. "Master And A Hound" is a song about the light of someone else although I think it is hard to pick up on. That song seems to be every which way. Every lyric in music can be taken which ever way the listener wants to take it. It will all relate to what the listener is feeling, and experiencing. "Idaho" seems to be a nostalgic tune that is about having love, losing love, being kids, having the time of your life, and being free. only to find that it's all gone and things have changed. "Words, and If I Go I'm Goin" are probably the two most true and most heavy hearted songs on the album. "Words" essentially sings about everything I have preached in my adulthood. Music, art, words, and pretty much everything means more at night. Music especially. It just seems to hit you differently at night. Everything seems to be deeper, and more emotional. "If I Go I'm Goin" follows suit with the rest of the songs on this album, but is probably the best one on the album. The way that everything meshes on this song makes it one of the most relaxing songs to listen to. Like it was all meant to be put together. I really enjoy this album and I think you guys will too! I also really enjoy Gregory's music and will be doing many more reviews about him soon! I give this album 🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌 out of five! Extravagant! Also be sure to follow the blog on Twitter! @Tysmusicextrava

Favorite Tracks!
  1. If I Go I'm Goin
  2. Words
  3. Master And A Hound

I do not own any of the pictures or songs associated with this review. All rights belong to Gregory Alan Isakov.

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