Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Keaton Henson - Birthdays

January 4, 2017
Keaton Henson - Birthdays

ANOTHER BLOG YOU SAY? Yeah get over it! I heard this guy on NPR's Tiny Desk concert and I loved it! He is so fragile and open that you can just connect to it. His music is phenomenal and personal. He sings about everything that everyday people deal with and that's mainly heartbreak. Maybe not everyone deals with it, but the music I listen to it sounds like all of them do. It makes sense. The heart is fragile, the heart is frail, and the heart is vulnerable. What is it? It gets exposed and shown. You give people it's life in hopes they don't crush it sometimes they do; not always on purpose, but also sometimes on purpose. Why? Are they sad too? Is their heart open, exposed, and hurt too so they don't know what to do with someone else's? I don't know and that is the greatest mystery. All I do know is that from heartbreak comes some of the most powerful and greatest music of all time. It's easy to make that music. As long as you are willing to be open with it. Keaton is, at least I believe he is. He says he only started to play music to mend a broken heart. Music can do just that. It can also break your heart more. It's such a fine line; this crazy thing we call music. Even with all the possibility of the negative I wouldn't trade music for the world. It's kept me sane and its kept me alive. I believe Keaton would tell you the same thing and you get that feel from this album more than I have with any album I have ever heard. So many of these songs are soft, hushed, and raw. If you listen to this album and don't feel anything I urge you to turn the lights off, put on headphones, and just melt into it. I promise you it won't feel or sound the same as it did the first time you heard it. Music is always better and more emotional late at night. When you are on the border of the subconscious. It's dark, its alone, its just you, and the music. Enough of this sappy crap and let me rate this album! Listen to this please my goodness please! I give this album every single emoji I can give it! 💙💚💛💜💔 out of five! Extravagant! 

Favorite Tracks!
  1. Lying To You
  2. If I Don't Have To
  3. Sweetheart, What Have You Done To Us

I do not own any of the pictures or songs associated with this review. All rights belong to Keaton Henson, and Anti- Records.

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