Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Coheed and Cambria - Good Apollo I'm Burning Star IV Volume One: From Fear Through The Eyes Of Madness

January 25, 2017
Coheed and Cambria - Good Apollo I'm Burning Star IV

Good freaking Apollo. One of the most recognizable albums from my favorites over in Coheed, but no where near their best. I was not planning on reviewing this album at all. Like I said in my previous Coheed review since they are my favorite I am very picky on how I review them. Although in light of them announcing their Neverender tour for this album I just had to review it! This album will be the album non Coheed fans can tell you a little about. It has Welcome Home on it which is by far their most popular song. Welcome Home has been on video games, movies, and TV shows so it's understandable that it is the most recognizable one. On top of Welcome Home it also has The Suffering which to this point has been another one of their most popular songs. Those songs are great, but still are not the best in my opinion. So for this review I am going to try a little different of a format so please forgive me if it gets a little jumbled. This album starts of with a nice little intro song with Keeping The Blade with just sounds that leads to a soft acoustic sounding song Always & Never to accommodate the intro song. You then hit the first wave of impeccable songs. You get Welcome Home and Ten Speed which are both pretty punchy tunes. You get about three great hold over songs after those two that keep you wanting more, but nothing the masses would really love(Crossing The Frame, The Writing Writer, and Once Upon Your Dead Body.) You get the second wave of top notch songs up next with Wake Up, and The Suffering. Wake Up being a love song that is both happy and sad. The Suffering is a nice bouncy head bobbing tune that helps lead into the last stretch of the album. The next two songs are filler songs that help build up the ending of the album. You have The Lying Lies & Dirty Secrets Of Miss Eric Court, and Mother May I. Both are up and down runny songs with great fills and lyrics that keep up the feel of the album to this point. Finally we hit the last run. These last four songs are the greatest on the album in my opinion. All four Willing Well songs are long songs that have so many different changes in them and posses such power and meaning behind them. Fuel For The Feeding End is the first one. If you base if you are going to listen to this song or not on the first couple of seconds then you are going to be disappointed. It starts with a computer sounding noisy intro, but quickly picks up if you stick around. It turns into a great one two punch song with punchy guitar and bass runs followed with clean drum sounds with insane lyrics. From Fear Through The Eyes Of Madness is a great continuation of the first Willing Well. It to starts with a computer sounding intro. This one is not near as "heavy" instrument wise at least. The real kicker on this song is the vocal melody that Claudio uses. It all seems to match the upbeat up and down guitar sounds and deep drums while being a beast all on its own. The last two Willing Wells are some of the deepest meaning songs to me at least. First is my favorite song off of the album. The Telling Truth. It is practically the same song as the Writing Writer except there is about two minutes of added content and some of the lyrics are slightly changed. Other than that it is essentially the same. Same instrumentals and such. Like the other Willing Wells it keeps the computer sounding intro that leads into the great instruments. It utilizes a nice running guitar riff that continues throughout the song that seems to sound like it is something you would hear in a movie of a guy running through a woods(at least to me ahaha.) The lyrics on this song are some of the best off of the whole album I think. There is a lot of lyrics in the song first off, but they are also deep and thought provoking. The last song and the last Willing Well is a doozy. If you have girl troubles I recommend you listen to this song.... I won't say much more than that and ruin it, but just listen to it. As in actual lyrics on this song it doesn't last much longer than two minutes. After the two minutes or so of lyrics you get to enjoy a few minutes of great guitar solos and riffs until it hits this upbeat folk guitar riff to end the song. All in all this album is fantastic and worth the listen. I hope my new review format wasn't too shitty I just wanted to try to get more of a "review" format. I give this album Ⅳ Ⅳ Ⅳ Ⅳ Ⅳ out of five! Extravagant!

Favorite Tracks!
  1. The Telling Truth
  2. Wake Up
  3. Ten Speed (Of God's Blood & Burial)
I do not own any of the pictures or songs associated with this review. All rights belong to Coheed and Cambria, and Columbia Records.

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