Thursday, March 9, 2017

Iron & Wine - Our Endless Numbered Days

Iron & Wine - Our Endless Numbered Days
March 9, 2017

This blog will be about Our Endless Numbered Days, but it will be primarily about Iron & Wine as a whole. I have a lot to say about him... Sam Beam. The genius that is Sam Beam. He plays the best music. He is a guitar player that focuses on finger 'picking and a fantastic songwriter too. A lot of what I make musically I have taken from his "style." Now with that being said Sam has really formed a love/sad relationship with me. His songs are great. They are great lyrically they are great instrumentally too. His playing is exactly what I like to listen to on a daily basis, but! The only "versions" of "recorded" Sam Beam I like are his albums "Around The Well" and "Our Endless Numbered Days." Sam has seemed to take a different approach when it comes to his music. I totally support artist taking risks and experimenting with their music, but Sam just totally flipped it completely.... kinda. His recording have changed tremendously. He no longer does that. "guitar folky sound" that made me fall in love with him and his songs. He now does electronic and band styled music as if to fit in with the common music nowadays. With that being said Sam will always do "acoustic" sessions and they end up on Youtube. His KEXP and NPR ones are good examples. He takes newer songs like "Half Moon" and "Grace For Saints And Ramblers" and turns them into acoustic renditions by stripping them down to just him and the guitar I love those! Those acoustic sessions are my favorite. I believe Sam's songwriting has gotten tremendously better over the years and to hear them played the way I believe they should be played; it is literally music to my ears. I mean some of my favorite songs he has made recently is "Grace For Saints And Ramblers" "Biting Your Tail" and "Big Burned Hand." Those are all new songs.... I can't listen to the CD recordings of them, because they just aren't good. They might be good to someone that makes that kind of music, but the Sam I know doesn't. He makes fantastic down to earth acoustic folk music. So if you are going to listen to Iron & Wine listen to the old stuff or the acoustic videos! I give the album "Our Endless Numbered Days" 🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲 out of five! Extravagant!

Favorite Tracks!
  1. Sunset Soon Forgotten 
  2. Sodom, South Georgia 
  3. Passing Afternoon

I do not own any of the pictures or songs associated with this review. All rights belong to Iron & Wine, and Sub Pop Records. 

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