Sunday, March 19, 2017

Noah Gundersen - Carry The Ghost

Noah Gundersen - Carry They Ghost
March 19, 2017

Noah Gundersen is only the second artist/band to crack my blog twice. Noah has also become one of my favorite artists in general. This album is becoming one of my favorites and is my favorite from him hands down. I really started to like this album when I watched one of his KEXP performances that was around the time this album was released. The one thing you can't say about Noah's music is that it lacks emotion. Noah puts more emotion in his songs than most. I think personally that's what makes music what it is. I feel like some music nowadays lacks that aspect. I also believe that I can play/sing Noah's songs better than I can most other artists. I think our voices match pretty well. So that makes all of his music great music for me to listen to, because I can sing it at the top of my lungs. The lyrics in this album are some of his best in my opinion. The content of his songs in this one seems to me like he is trying to get rid of the "ghost" he has been "carrying" and based on the lyrics and the album art was that a past relationship? A ex girlfriend? That's what I think it was and is about. The album almost seems to be a timeline just out of order. Is the song "Topless Dancer" about said mystery girl? How he met her and what she was when he met her? I don't know and I may never know, but just from listening to the album that's what I have taken from it. To me "Slow Dancer" is about him telling his love that do whatever she has to do, say what ever she needs to say to be at ease and no matter what he is going to be the support system. "Show Me The Light" seems to almost a letter written to his love about not being the first choice. Him trying to show her that he would do anything for her, but he doesn't have her and she doesn't see it.  All of these songs are heavy hearted. I feel something when listening to this album and I think a lot of you will too. It's something I can connect to. I feel you will too. Give this album a listen to! I give this album 👻👻👻👻👻 out of five! Extravagant!

Favorite Tracks!
  1. Selfish Art
  2. Show Me The Light
  3. Empty From The Start

I do not own any of the pictures or songs associated with this review. All rights belong to Noah Gundersen, and Dine Alone Records.

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