Thursday, March 30, 2017

Nathaniel Rateliff - Falling Faster Than You Can Run

March 30, 2017
Nathaniel Rateliff - Falling Faster Than You Can Run

Rateliff has become of my "idols" when it comes to music. His deep earthy sound and his simple yet complex approach seems to appeal to me. The way he can make a happy song and it still be about something sad and vice versa. This album is nothing short of everything I just described. You have the deep meaning in songs, you have the nice matching guitar work, and you have his comforting singing voice. Rateliff manages to have many different sounds on this album while still sticking to the indie/folk roots. There are certain songs such as "Right On" that kinda sounds like a Frank Sinatra song redone in a folk way. Then you have some songs like "Laborman"  that sounds more like a rock/blues song. Although he has made music with Nathaniel Rateliff and the Night Sweats and it follows the same genre his solo stuff just sounds different to me. I love the Night Sweats music too, but his solo stuff seems more intimate and folky to me and the Night Sweats seems more big band/full band sounding. Fans of one will normally be fans of both music acts. When it really comes down to it this album is just a nice album to fully listen to. Song one all the way to song eleven is a delight and nice to listen to. I recommend this album to anyone that loves folk/indie music. I give this album 👤👤👤👤👤out of five! Extravagant!

Favorite Tracks!
  1. When Do You See
  2. Still Trying
  3. Three Fingers In

I do not own any of the pictures or songs associated with this review. All rights belong to Nathaniel Rateliff.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

City and Colour - The Hurry And The Harm

March 26, 2017
City and Colour - The Hurry And The Harm

I have covered the great Dallas Green before, but not like this. This album has become one if not my favorite album of all history. My favorite album by Dallas was Little Hell which I have covered already, but this album tops that one. This album  has such great songs and such grace. It helps when you associate songs with certain people in your life that you love dearly that makes the music so much more than just music to you. This album is a great blend of acoustic and band filled music. Dallas has said he likes to make more of a band/fuller sound that I don't always tend to agree with. This album however like I said is a great mix of both. Dallas can easily take all of these songs and turn them into stripped down acoustic songs (which he has. At least on YouTube.) while still letting them occupy a fuller sound on record. All of this albums lyrics are priceless for me. Dallas knocks it out of the park again with his sensible and personable lyrics. The flawless mix and organization of this album is out of this world as well. The songs flow within eachother flawlessly. The acoustic version of Thirst will always be my favorite song of all time. The connection I have with that song is something that no one in this world would ever be able to comprehend. The person I share that song with. The sound of their voice and way we both sing it so smoothly. I've always been told I like sad music. Music that isn't happy that isn't upbeat. I don't believe that is completely true, but it isn't false either. My best friend and I share the same music taste. We both like the same artists and the same genre of music. He gravitates more towards the fast/upbeat songs. I gravitate more towards the soft/slow sad songs. I can't really explain to you why I do. I believe its because I can connect with the sad songs. The sad songs hit you where it hurts the most. The sad songs have ten times more emotion to them in my opinion. This album has many songs that are packed with tons of emotion. All of Dallas' work has tons of emotion. I recommend you listen to this album. As always shoot me a comment telling me what you want to hear, what you want reviewed, and what you think I can do better. I give this album 💣💣💣💣💣 out of five! Extravagant!

Favorite Tracks!
  1. Two Coins
  2. Ladies and Gentlemen 
  3. Death's Song

I do not own any of the pictures or songs associated with this review. All rights belong to City and Colour, and Dine Alone Records.
I do not own any of the pictures or songs associated with this review. All rights belong to City and Colour, and Dine Alone Records.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Noah Gundersen - Carry The Ghost

Noah Gundersen - Carry They Ghost
March 19, 2017

Noah Gundersen is only the second artist/band to crack my blog twice. Noah has also become one of my favorite artists in general. This album is becoming one of my favorites and is my favorite from him hands down. I really started to like this album when I watched one of his KEXP performances that was around the time this album was released. The one thing you can't say about Noah's music is that it lacks emotion. Noah puts more emotion in his songs than most. I think personally that's what makes music what it is. I feel like some music nowadays lacks that aspect. I also believe that I can play/sing Noah's songs better than I can most other artists. I think our voices match pretty well. So that makes all of his music great music for me to listen to, because I can sing it at the top of my lungs. The lyrics in this album are some of his best in my opinion. The content of his songs in this one seems to me like he is trying to get rid of the "ghost" he has been "carrying" and based on the lyrics and the album art was that a past relationship? A ex girlfriend? That's what I think it was and is about. The album almost seems to be a timeline just out of order. Is the song "Topless Dancer" about said mystery girl? How he met her and what she was when he met her? I don't know and I may never know, but just from listening to the album that's what I have taken from it. To me "Slow Dancer" is about him telling his love that do whatever she has to do, say what ever she needs to say to be at ease and no matter what he is going to be the support system. "Show Me The Light" seems to almost a letter written to his love about not being the first choice. Him trying to show her that he would do anything for her, but he doesn't have her and she doesn't see it.  All of these songs are heavy hearted. I feel something when listening to this album and I think a lot of you will too. It's something I can connect to. I feel you will too. Give this album a listen to! I give this album 👻👻👻👻👻 out of five! Extravagant!

Favorite Tracks!
  1. Selfish Art
  2. Show Me The Light
  3. Empty From The Start

I do not own any of the pictures or songs associated with this review. All rights belong to Noah Gundersen, and Dine Alone Records.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Bob Dylan - Nashville Skyline

March 14, 2017
Bob Dylan - Nashville Skyline

Mr. Bob Dylan. The man, the myth, the legend right? Wrong, well kinda. I hated Bob Dylan. Not really hated him, but I just didn't like his music. That's crazy coming from a guy that loves folk right? I loved his songwriting I just didn't like his style and his voice. One of my best friends really loves Bob. He always told me I was crazy for not liking Bob, but I just couldn't do it. I found it. I believe when it comes to Dylan many people that don't like him always have their "coming to" when they find their version of Dylan they like. Mine so happened to be the album "Blood On The Tracks." I loved that whole album, then decided to try the rest of his stuff. I found this album. The cover first off is quirky and capturing. The songs are fantastic too! The album starts great with "Girl From The North Country" with Johnny Cash. Swoon. I love Cash. Dylan knew the way to my heart and many other I assume with that song. "One More Night" is a great folky song that just adds to Dylan's allure. Every song holds that unique songwriting and voice that is a signature to Dylan, but it also has the nice smooth feel of a well written folk album. I'm sure there are more albums and songs that Dylan has that top this, but this for me is his awakening to me at least. The more I listen to him I might reevaluate my opinion. This album being easy on the ears, and a few minutes shy of half an hour makes it one of the easiest albums to listen to. I recommend if you don't like Bob Dylan that you listen to this album. I give this album 🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐 out of five! Extravagant!

Favorite Tracks!
  1. Girl From The North Country
  2. One More Night
  3. Lay Lady Lay

I do not own any of the pictures or songs associated with this review. All rights belong to Bob Dylan, and Columbia Records.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Iron & Wine - Our Endless Numbered Days

Iron & Wine - Our Endless Numbered Days
March 9, 2017

This blog will be about Our Endless Numbered Days, but it will be primarily about Iron & Wine as a whole. I have a lot to say about him... Sam Beam. The genius that is Sam Beam. He plays the best music. He is a guitar player that focuses on finger 'picking and a fantastic songwriter too. A lot of what I make musically I have taken from his "style." Now with that being said Sam has really formed a love/sad relationship with me. His songs are great. They are great lyrically they are great instrumentally too. His playing is exactly what I like to listen to on a daily basis, but! The only "versions" of "recorded" Sam Beam I like are his albums "Around The Well" and "Our Endless Numbered Days." Sam has seemed to take a different approach when it comes to his music. I totally support artist taking risks and experimenting with their music, but Sam just totally flipped it completely.... kinda. His recording have changed tremendously. He no longer does that. "guitar folky sound" that made me fall in love with him and his songs. He now does electronic and band styled music as if to fit in with the common music nowadays. With that being said Sam will always do "acoustic" sessions and they end up on Youtube. His KEXP and NPR ones are good examples. He takes newer songs like "Half Moon" and "Grace For Saints And Ramblers" and turns them into acoustic renditions by stripping them down to just him and the guitar I love those! Those acoustic sessions are my favorite. I believe Sam's songwriting has gotten tremendously better over the years and to hear them played the way I believe they should be played; it is literally music to my ears. I mean some of my favorite songs he has made recently is "Grace For Saints And Ramblers" "Biting Your Tail" and "Big Burned Hand." Those are all new songs.... I can't listen to the CD recordings of them, because they just aren't good. They might be good to someone that makes that kind of music, but the Sam I know doesn't. He makes fantastic down to earth acoustic folk music. So if you are going to listen to Iron & Wine listen to the old stuff or the acoustic videos! I give the album "Our Endless Numbered Days" 🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲 out of five! Extravagant!

Favorite Tracks!
  1. Sunset Soon Forgotten 
  2. Sodom, South Georgia 
  3. Passing Afternoon

I do not own any of the pictures or songs associated with this review. All rights belong to Iron & Wine, and Sub Pop Records.