Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Gorillaz - Humanz

May 3, 2017
Gorillaz - Humanz

This is going to be a very interesting review. First off we all know I love Gorillaz; they were one of the first blogs I did. I love their music and their creativity. The sound, the animation, the concept I love it all. I have been waiting for this album For-ev-er FOREVER! I woke up around one in the morning the day this came out. Instead of going back to bed I had to listen to it first. I did a quick run through of the album. Listened to the first minute or so to see if I would like it. If I didn't like it I would skip it after that amount of time. I went through almost every song and hated every one of them. My first impression was it was generic. Following the "popular" rap trends nowadays; auto-tuned and unauthentic. I waited way too long to just be disappointed. Tonight I am giving it another shot. I am currently re-listening to the whole album in its entirety. Current time: 10:15 and I am on the sixth song. I will continue this blog once I have finished the whole album...... Okay I'm back! Current time: 11:00 I have listened to the whole album now all the way through and I finally have formulated my opinion(I know no one cares.) I still stick by my first assessment. This album was not as good as I thought it should've been for how long it took them to make. Upon my second listen I did find songs that are good some that are tolerable and some that are downright horrible. The song "Hallelujah Money" is horrible. HORRIBLE! the song "Charger" is decent and can be listened to without wanting to rip your ears off. I may be being a little harsh on my beloved Gorillaz, but I expect nothing but excellence from them. I just didn't feel that with this album. I still think the album is technically sound and well done. I just don't like the direction it went in and how it sounds. I think they need to adopt their retro sound again. I believe this may be my very first "negative" review.... I give this album 🙅🙅 out of five........ Extravagant!(I guess)

Favorite Tracks!
  1. Ticker Tape
  2. Shes My Collar
  3. Charger or Busted And Blue(I couldn't decide on this one)

I do not own any of the pictures or songs associated with this review. All rights belong to Gorillaz and Parlophone Records.

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